Tuesday 1 July 2014


The name comes from the Sanskrit words vajra meaning "thunderbolt" or "diamond", and asana meaning "posture" or "seat".  Vajrasana is said to enable the practitioner to gain control over the sexual functions and direct the energy towards expanding conciusness.



  1. Sit with legs extended together, hands by the side of the body, palm resting on the ground. 
  2. Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foots heels under the right buttock. 
  3. Similarly by folding the left foot, place it under the left buttock. 
  4. Hands resting on the respective thighs. 
  5. Sit with spine erect. 
  6. Gaze in front or close the eyes 
  7. While returning to the original position bend a little towards right side take out the left leg and extend it. 
  8. Similarly do it from the other side and come to the original position.


  1. Vajrasana is very relaxing position, conductive to calm mind and body. 
  2. It stimulates the digestive process. 
  3. This strengthens thigh and calf muscles. 
  4. It gives healthy stretch to the joint capsule of knees.


1.      Avoid for injury to knees or ankles.

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