Thursday 3 July 2014


In Sanskrit “ustra” means camel. In this asana, shape of the body resembles the shape of the camel.


  1. Sit in vajrasana 
  2. Slowly stand on your knees. 
  3. Keep your thighs knees and feet together. 
  4. Rest on the front of your knees, with the toes pointing on back. 
  5. Keep the torso upright. 
  6. Inhale and place your palms on the soles of your feet. 
  7. Now push your buttock forward and bend backward. 
  8. Simultaneously, extend your ribcage and broaden your chest. 
  9. Maintain the position for some time and while exhaling come back to original position.


  1. It increases lung capacity and hence beneficial in respiratory disorders. 
  2. Improves blood circulation to all the organs of the bod. 
  3. Tones the muscles and nerves of the spine and hence recommended in postural disorders. 
  4. very useful Practice in cervical and Lumbar spondylosis


  1. This practice shall be avoided in case of severe constipation, diarrhea, headache, and hypertension.

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