Wednesday 2 July 2014


Paschima – west
                 Uttana- intense stretching
                In this asana the posterior portion of the whole body from head to heels is fully stretched.


  1. Sit on the ground with legs extended together.
  2. Keep your back straight. 
  3. Inhale and raise your hands up. 
  4. Exhale and bend forward making an effort to touch the toes and placing head on knees, Try to place the elbows on the ground. 
  5. Breath normally, maintain the position for some time while exhaling come back to original position.


  1. Helps to prevent recurrence of sciatica.
  2. Helpful in the management of digestive disorders, seminal weakness, & menstrual disorder. 
  3. Very beneficial practice for DIABETES. 
  4. Decreases extra weight around belly. 
  5. Due to extra given to the pelvic region more oxygenated blood id supplies and the gonads receive sufficient nutrition. 
  6. Helps to cure impotency and also useful for sex control. 
  7. Tones the nerves supplying to pelvic organs. 
  8. Tones the muscles of shoulders.


  1. People suffering from severe backache should not practice this.
  2. Pregnant women should not practice Paschimottanasana. 
  3. Person suffering from slip disc problem, asthma and heart diseases should avoid this. 
  4. Ulcer patient should not practice this.

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