Tuesday 1 July 2014


In the Sanskrit language pada means ‘foot’ and hasta refers to the ‘hand’. Therefore 
padahastasana means the ‘hand to foot pose’.

  • Inhale slowly, draw the head and neck forward (look up) and lengthen the spine.
  • Exhale again and relax the head, neck and spine downwards, fixing your fingers and palms firmly under your toes and the balls of your feet into the complete padahastasana.
  • Note: Also try to hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds in the beginning, increasing the duration over time.
  • To come out of the posture, release your hands from beneath the feet, straighten your arms, inhale and slowly come back up into tala asana, with the arms again extended high overhead.
  • Exhale, slowly lower the hands back down and relax in sama sthiti asana.

      1) It helps to manage indigestion
      2) Helps to manage stifness of spine and pain of joints.
      3) It is helpful in breathing problems
      4) It removes excess fat from the abdomen.
      5) It improves flexibility of spine.
Those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, spondylities, Sciatica, should not practice it or practice it under expert observation.

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