Monday 4 August 2014


  • Parvata means a mountain. This asana is also known as 'Viyogasana', because it involves a special technique of Yoga. Only healthy persons should practice this asana.

  • Sit in Padmasana. Join the palms of the hands.
  • Stretch the arms vertically up over the head.
  • Take the hands over the head and turn the palms downside up facing the roof.
  • Stretch the Body upwards with the arms stretched towards sky.
  • Stabilize the position and continue normal breathing.
Advantages :
  • As both the arms are kept vertically up in this asana, the 'Prana' is sublimated.
  • If Suryabheda Pranayama or Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama is practiced for fifteen minutes before performing this (Parvatasana) asana, the lungs, the abdomen and the spine become strong and healthy.
  • Gives sufficient exercise to the muscles of the arms.
  • Stretching the arm, back and abdominal muscles improves the functioning of these parts of body. This helps to cure some problems of Spinal cord.

Friday 18 July 2014


"Shava" Means 'Corpse' in sanskrit. It is traditional relaxation posture. The posture is called 'Shavasana' as it resembles a 'Corpse'


  • Lie down on your back.
  • Relax your whole body with both the legs and hands apart, palms facing upwards.
  • Keep your head in any comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Breath normally.


  • Removes physical and mental fatigue.
  • Gives a sense of relaxation.
  • It is very beneficial in high blood pressure, cardiac diseases, and anxiety disorders.
  • This asana is very beneficial for the people suffering from neurosis and fear complexes.


This asana was explained by shri Matsyanath. In sanskrit "matsya" means Fish that is why it is known as Matsyasana ( Fish posture)


  • Start this asana with Padmasana.
  •  The head is taken backward with the help of hands in such a way that the centre of head touches the ground.
  • The back being arched and raised from the ground.
  • The knees must touch on the ground.
  • Hold the right thumb of the right leg with the left hand and left leg with the right hand.
  • Maintain the final posture.
  • While releasing, with the help of hands come up slowly.


  • Relieve neck, shoulders and throat tension.
  • Strengthen the back neck and upper back.
  • Relieve irritation and stress.
  • Stimulates throat and belly organs.
  • Reduce diabetes and asthma.


  • If prone to vertigo, do not do this asana.
  • People suffering from stomach ulcers should not do this asana.


Thursday 17 July 2014


Half Plough Pose is similar to Uttanpadasana.‘Ardha‘ means ‘half‘ and ‘Hala‘ means ‘Plough‘ so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose).  


  • In Ardha Halasana (Half Plogh Pose) you can raise your one leg at a time or both legs perpendicular to the ground.
  • While lying on yoga mat just relax for a few seconds then inhale slowly to raise your both legs upwards as shown in the above image
  • Your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend.
  • Hold your breath and posture for a few seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly and bring your legs again towards the ground.
  • Repeat this for 3 – 4 cycles.
  • You can practice this by completing one cycle by left leg then the right leg.
  • - See more at:

    • In Ardha Halasana (Half Plogh Pose) you can raise your one leg at a time or both legs perpendicular to the ground.
    •  While lying on yoga mat just relax for a few seconds then inhale slowly to raise your both legs upwards as shown in the above image 
    • Your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend. 
    • Hold your breath and posture for a few seconds. 
    • Now exhale slowly and bring your legs again towards the ground
    • Repeat this for 3 – 4 cycles. 
    • You can practice this by completing one cycle by left leg then the right leg. 


    • Stimulates abdominal organs.
    • Reduces belly fat.
    • Good to prevent hernias.
    • Useful to for arthritis and lumbar spondylosis.
    • Improve the digestion and removes gases.
    • Tone the thigh and hip muscles overall abdominal muscles.
    • Improves digestion and appetite.
    • Improves the function of blood circulation.


    • Those suffering from severe heart problems, backache and high blood pressure should not practice this asana. 
    • Pregnant women should not practice this asana after second month of pregnancy. 

  • In Ardha Halasana (Half Plogh Pose) you can raise your one leg at a time or both legs perpendicular to the ground.
  • While lying on yoga mat just relax for a few seconds then inhale slowly to raise your both legs upwards as shown in the above image
  • Your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend.
  • Hold your breath and posture for a few seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly and bring your legs again towards the ground.
  • Repeat this for 3 – 4 cycles.
  • You can practice this by completing one cycle by left leg then the right leg.
  • - See more at:
    Half Plough Pose is similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack abs as well as curing stomach disorder.
    Ardha‘ means ‘half‘ and ‘Hala‘ means ‘Plough‘ so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose). - See more at:
    Half Plough Pose is similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack abs as well as curing stomach disorder.
    Ardha‘ means ‘half‘ and ‘Hala‘ means ‘Plough‘ so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose). - See more at:
    Half Plough Pose is similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack abs as well as curing stomach disorder.
    Ardha‘ means ‘half‘ and ‘Hala‘ means ‘Plough‘ so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose). - See more at:
    Half Plough Pose is similar to Uttanapadasana. Beneficial for building six pack abs as well as curing stomach disorder.
    Ardha‘ means ‘half‘ and ‘Hala‘ means ‘Plough‘ so this pose is called as Ardhahalasana (Half Plogh Pose). - See more at:


    "Hala" means a "plough" in sanskrit. The pose is called halasana because in its practice the body takes shape of indian plough.


    • Lie down on the back while keeping legs extended.
    • Your arms should lie by your side on the floor.
    • Bend your knees in such a way that your feet are flat on the floor and your heels are close to your buttocks.
    • Exhale and press your arms against the floor while pushing your feet away so that your hips lift and your thighs are drawn into your torso.
    • Continue to lift your pelvis and your lower back away from the floor so that your knees come towards your face.
    • Bend your elbows and bring your hands up to your lower back so that the palms are flat against the back. Your upper arms should be flat on the ground.
    • Keeps raising your pelvis so that your torso is almost perpendicular to the floor.
    • Inhale and straighten your knees so that your legs are now pointed straight up towards the ceiling.
    • Your shoulder blades should be firm against the back and your chin should be pressed into the sternum.
    • Your thighs should be in line with your torso, almost perpendicular to the ground.
    • Slowly bend from your hip while simultaneously exhaling, bringing your legs backwards over your head, and slowly lower your toes to the floor behind your head.
    • Keep your legs fully extended.
    • Your chin should be drawn into your sternum.
    • Release your hands from your back and stretch the arms out so that they are flat on the floor opposite the legs.
    • You can also continue using your hands to support your back till you are confident about maintaining your balance.
    • To exit this pose, while exhaling, bring your hands onto your back and lift your legs back into the Sarvangasana pose.
    • Then bring your legs and torso slowly downwards.


    • Has a calming effect on the mind
    • Stretches the spine and makes it more flexible
    • Stimulates the abdominal organs and aids digestion
    • Stimulates the thyroid gland
    • Reduces stress and fatigue
    • Helps to relieve symptoms of menopause
    • It rejuvenates the abdominal organs and improves digestion.


    • Avoid jerky movements lest you injure your spine.
    • The movements should be slow and gradual.
    • If you suffer from and liver or spleen disorders, asthma or hypertension, then attempt this pose only under supervision of an experienced teacher.
    • Pregnant women who are experienced in this pose can continue to do so late into their pregnancy. Do not attempt this pose if you have not done it before.


    In Sanskrit "Sarvang" means " all parts of the body". Since this asana having the effect on almost all the body parts and organs, it is called SARVANGASANA.


    • Lie on the back keeping the legs extended, the feet should be gradually raised at 90 degrees.
    • Support your body  by placing the hands on your waist.
    • Now, slowly lift the entire body form the shoulders and keep straight the whole body from shoulder to the tip of toes.
    • Maintain the final position with normal breathing.
    • while coming back bring the feet slowly down on the ground with out raising your head.


    • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
    • Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs
    • Stretches the shoulders and neck
    • Tones the legs and buttocks
    • Improves digestion
    • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
    • Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia
    • Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis
    • Helps to maintain healthy condition of thyroid gland.


    • The weight placed on the cervical spine may mean a risk of neck injury, particularly if the asana is not done properly. 
    • The asana is contraindicated for high blood pressure,  Menstruation, angina, and spinal weakness caused by conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis. 


    “Pawana” means wind and “mukta” means “ to release”. When it is practiced, it helps to release excessive gases from the body. Therefore, the asana is named so.


    • Lie down on the back with legs extended straight on the ground. 
    • Fold both the legs from the knees. 
    • The legs should be drawn up against the chest and clasped by the  arms. 
    • Inhale and lift your neck and try to place the chin on the knees. 
    • Exhale and come back to the original position with the head on the ground and the legs straight.


    • The practice of this asana relieves and expels accumulation of gases in the abdomen. 
    • It gives massaging effect to the pelvic and abdominal organs. 
    • The body feels light and the digestion improves. 
    • It is useful in the treatment of impotency, sterility, menstrual disorder and lumbago.


    • Those suffering from cervical spondylitis should not lift their head. 


    The meaning of “Dhanur” is Bow in Sanskrit. In this asana the body takes shape of bow that is why it is known as Dhanuasana. 


    • Lie down on the abdomen (Prone Lying position).
    • Bend both the knees and hold the legs just above the ankles by both the hands.
    • Then inhale, raise the whole body from the waist upwards and try to maintain the weight of body on lower abdomen.
    • Maintain this posture for some time.
    • While exhaling, lower down your body and come back to the original position.


    • It helps to remove constipation.
    • It helps to restore the displaced navel to its normal position.
    • It affects the entire abdominal region and its organs.
    • It is useful in diabetes mellitus and Asthma.


    • Patients of Hernia should not do this asana.


    The meaning of “shalbha” is locust in Sanskrit. In the final position f this asana, body resembles the shape of locust.


    • Lie down on your abdomen with legs extended and place the palms below thighs, chin on the ground.
    • The feet should be joined together.
    • Inhale and raise your legs together above the ground.
    • Make sure that body from waist to the feet should be straight.
    • Maintain the position for sometime while exhaling come down to the original position.


    • Shalbhasana stimulates autonomic nervous system, particularly the parasympathetic outflow.
    • It gives gentle massaging effect to pelvic and abdominal organs.
    • It is helpful for lower back pain, thyroid problems, neck pain.
    • Relieves constipation and improves digestion.
    • Improves eye sight by enhancing the blood circulation.


    • Since Shalbhasana creates  high intra - abdominal pressure the practitioners are advised to practice to the possible extent.