Monday 4 August 2014


  • Parvata means a mountain. This asana is also known as 'Viyogasana', because it involves a special technique of Yoga. Only healthy persons should practice this asana.

  • Sit in Padmasana. Join the palms of the hands.
  • Stretch the arms vertically up over the head.
  • Take the hands over the head and turn the palms downside up facing the roof.
  • Stretch the Body upwards with the arms stretched towards sky.
  • Stabilize the position and continue normal breathing.
Advantages :
  • As both the arms are kept vertically up in this asana, the 'Prana' is sublimated.
  • If Suryabheda Pranayama or Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama is practiced for fifteen minutes before performing this (Parvatasana) asana, the lungs, the abdomen and the spine become strong and healthy.
  • Gives sufficient exercise to the muscles of the arms.
  • Stretching the arm, back and abdominal muscles improves the functioning of these parts of body. This helps to cure some problems of Spinal cord.